Established in the Capital of France, Paris, SEAT Ventilation specialise in the extraction of corrosive and hazardous fumes with a distinctive range of ventilation components.
2020:ECOGLASSis launched for even more economy and safety.
2019:L.Solutions: New products range , air extraction solutions.
2018: The investment fund Ciclad and the new manager, Jean-Jacques Gaudiot, have decided to invest jointly in the takeover of SEAT Ventilation and its American subsidiary,PLASTEC Ventilation.
2013: SEAT Ventilation addsSEAT 50inline fan to its range of PP fans
2012: SEAT AirControl new generation of airflow monitors and controls
2006: SEAT AirControl new generation of airflow monitors and controls is introduced onto markets. SEAT Ventilation SA is experiencing a 2 figures growth rate and is currently represented in 45 countries.
2005: SEAT Ventilation transfers its Headquaters and factory toVerniolle, located an hour South of Toulouse nearby the Pyrenees Mountains. The brand new factory and offices are built from the ground up to accommodate fast growth on domestic and international markets
1999: Creation of ‘Plastec Ventilation, Inc’ the US subsidiary of SEAT Ventilation covering the Americas. Originally located in the Philadelphia area, it has since then been moved to Bradenton, Florida
1998: Introduction of ‘STORM’ Series fans for application requiring higher pressure
1997: The ‘SEAT Control’ airflow monitor for fume cupboard is born. This equipment quickly becomes the monitor and control of choice of French laboratory furniture makers and installers.
Creation of « Thermoseat », subsiduary of SEAT in Hungary
1996: Establishment of ‘Seplast‘, subsidiary of SEAT in the Czech Republic
1995: SEAT Ventilation adds the ‘JET Series’ inline fans to its range of PP fans.
1988: Launch of the new and existing range of PP centrifugal called ‘SEAT Series ‘. The unique and colorful design is quickly a hit on domestic and foreign markets.
1968: Establishment of SEAT Ventilation in Montfermeil, France. The company specialises in the field of plastic boiler making including plastic fans, fume hoods, etc.